Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Just when you thought I had shut my mouth, here I am spouting off again. Why? you may ask. I don't know for sure, but I'm amazed to say that several readers said they actually miss my musings. (It's wonderful to have groupies!) I also finished the umpteenth rewrite of my first novel, now titled On the Hook (Thanks to my Memphis friend, Elizabeth, for the pithy title). My readers thought the old title, Dream Maker, made the book sound too much like a romance novel, which this book is definitely not. With a little or a lot (depending upon your point of view) grammar editing, spelling corrections, and tweaks to the plot based on feedback from my "draft" readers (Bless their tired eyes), I think it's ready for publishing. Now the search for an agent begins. I'm going to learn all about how to do that and more about writing at my first writer's conference from June 14th through June 21st. (Look for blog entries labeled "Nebraska Notes".)

I've also started working with a fitness trainer to get rid of my writer's lumps. Seems like sitting in a chair is not conducive to a fit body. Twice a week I submit myself to torture with weights, medicine balls, and exercises that would make a weaker woman faint. (Look for blog entries labeled "Survival Scribblings".)

You might notice that the blog template has changed. Like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, changing the format gives me a new perspective on a dire situation (see photo). I don't know about you, but my eyes glazed over at seeing the same washed-out tan and potato brown of the old template. I felt washed out as well. Now, the new hues of blue remind me of the the Chesapeake Bay. I also think they're perky and you know I prefer perky.
Speaking of navigable water -- I've unearthed a sailing club (The Memphis Sail and Power Squadron). I can't believe there are mariners in a city whose closest rag hauling locations are four and five hours away...and these lakes are notorious for squirrelly winds. Stink potters can navigate the local rivers, including the nine knot current Mississippi if they have powerful enough engines to go upstream after breezing their way downstream. I'm having lunch with one of the "officers" of the squadron next Monday to see what they're all about (Look for blog entries labeled "Land Locked Sailors".
Anyway, I'm back and writing. I've started a second book. This writing thing is catching. Maybe I should get vaccinated.


Anonymous said...

your writing seems cramped and you don't seem to actually know any writers. Why not look through your life, past and present, and find the writers you may know. Ask them for help, both with the lifestyle and the craft. It could help you. Surely you must know an author whose published or a magazine journalist or someone. S/he could really help. Reach out and find that person.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
Who are you? Do I know you? Thanks for the advice. There are lots of things that I can and will do to develop my skill as I venture into the world of fiction. Word of advice to you: those who preach should not hide.

Anonymous said...

you do know me, but i've found over the years that you often don't always take direct advice from your friends. so i'm trying to give you advice that would not come weighed down with your preconceptions. keep up the good fight!